- slipper
- slipper fuel tank
подвесной топливный бак
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
Slipper — Slip per, n. 1. One who, or that which, slips. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of light shoe, which may be slipped on with ease, and worn in undress; a slipshoe. [1913 Webster] 3. A kind of apron or pinafore for children. [1913 Webster] 4. A kind of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slipper — Slip per, a. [AS. slipur.] Slippery. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] O! trustless state of earthly things, and slipper hope Of mortal men. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slipper — Slipper: Die Bezeichnung für einen bequemen, nicht zu schnürenden Halbschuh mit flachem Absatz wurde im 20. Jh. aus engl. slipper »Hausschuh, Pantoffel« entlehnt. Das zugrunde liegende Verb engl. to slip »gleiten, ‹ent›schlüpfen« ist verwandt mit … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
slipper — (n.) type of footwear, late 15c., agent noun from SLIP (Cf. slip) (v.), the notion being of a shoe that is slipped onto the foot … Etymology dictionary
slipper — ► NOUN 1) a comfortable slip on shoe that is worn indoors. 2) a light slip on shoe, especially one used for dancing. DERIVATIVES slippered adjective … English terms dictionary
slipper — [slip′ər] n. a light, low shoe easily slipped on the foot, esp. one for indoor wear slippered adj … English World dictionary
Slipper — A slipper, also called a houseshoe, is a soft and lightweight indoor type of casual footwear.Domestic Footwear CustomsThe word is recorded in English in 1478, deriving from the much older verb to slip, the notion being of footwear that is slipped … Wikipedia
Slipper — Loafer ein klassischer Herrenfreizeitschuh Mit Loafer bezeichnet der Fachmann einen Schlupfhalbschuh mit Absatz. Das bekannteste Loafermodell ist der Pennyloafer (auch Collegeschuh genannt). Mokassins zählen nicht zu den Loafern, da sie keinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
slipper — slipper1 slipperlike, adj. /slip euhr/, n. 1. any light, low cut shoe into which the foot may be easily slipped, for casual wear in the home, for dancing, etc. Cf. bedroom slipper, house slipper. v.t. 2. to strike or beat with a slipper. [1470… … Universalium
Slipper — Mokassin; bequemer Halbschuh * * * Slịp|per 〈m. 3〉 1. bequemer Straßenschuh ohne Schnürung 2. 〈österr.〉 leichter, lockerer Mantel [<engl. slipper „Hausschuh, Pantoffel“; zu slip „(hinein)schlüpfen“; verwandt mit schleifen] * * * Slịp|per … Universal-Lexikon
slipper — n. & v. n. 1 a light loose comfortable indoor shoe. 2 a light slip on shoe for dancing etc. v.tr. beat or strike with a slipper. Phrases and idioms: slipper bath Brit. a bath shaped like a slipper, with a covered end. Derivatives: slippered adj … Useful english dictionary